Dudes ‘n Beer Ep: 275 Returning Power to the People with Presidential Candidate Kasey Wells

In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes to the program Independent write-in 2020 Presidential candidate Kasey Wells to discuss his modernized plan to return power to the people in America and how we can begin to make our government begin working for us again instead of it continuing to reign over us unregulated. What are we supposed to make of a political system stuck in the rutt of red vs blue? Why is it that in a “politically enlightened” society that we dismiss the chance of allowing unheard and independent voice a platform of equal footing when it comes to elections and debates? How can we begin to right the path of system gone so awry that we have private businesses writing laws that regulate industry and politicians more concerned about their political cauffers than the people they have sworn to represent? That is where independent candidates like Kasey Wells come in! Our government derives its just powers by “the CONSENT of the governed.” As President in 2021, Kasey promises make it his primary mission to establish a government based web service that will allow U.S. citizens to log-on and vote on upcoming government agendas, which will be available for all government agencies on all levels to use, That way, our elected officials could see what the people in their districts want and vote accordingly called The People’s Forum. How can this revolutionary concept change the way legislation is proposed, considered and passed and more importantly how can it help us oust those politicians who are in office to serve their own self-interests instead of the will of the people? Join the Dudes n Beer podcast as we welcome Independent write-in 2020 Presidential candidate Kasey Wells to discuss his plans to save America from the abuses of power that have run amuck in our current political system.