In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes to the show esoteric researcher Brad Olsen, author of “Beyond Esoteric”, to discuss the world of Esoteric teachings throughout history and the concept of manifestation in a modern world.
Brad Olsen is the author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: “Modern Esoteric” “Future Esoteric” and “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, public speaker, YouTube content creator of the “Esoteric Circle,” book publisher and event producer. As founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of his home-base San Francisco. Brad was featured on the front page of SF Bay Guardian in September 2014. Since that time, the Chicago native’s esoteric writing continues to reach a wide audience while he continues breaking ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration and photography.
Join the Dudes n Bee podcast as we welcome first time guest and author of the “Esoteric Series”, Brad Olsen to discuss the world of esoteric teachings and personal manifestation.