Hey guys and welcome back to another episode. Today we will be taking a look at Spiderman Maximum Carnage from LJN and see if it is indeed one of the best games from that studio. Be sure to stick around until the end of the video for a sneak peek at the next episode. But for now let’s take a trip back to 1994. If you were a gamer of the 90’s then you may rememeber the name LJN and how they were known for making games that some would say were the worst of the worst. Alot of these would be multiple licensed titles such as Movie tie in’s for Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Terminator 2 Judgement Day. They would also be the studio behind multiple WWF games that many fans know from the sega and nintendo era. While alot of these would be known as being notoriously bad and having terrible controls. There was one license that LJN had which wasnt always bad. I am of course talking about the marvel games. Sure they had some games that were just downright awful from marvel But one game that always sticks out among gamers is Maximum Carnage and i would like to see if it truly was one of the best games from LJN.
MGC: Maximum Carnage SNES Recap – Was It The Best Game From LJN ?